Curriculum design and innovative teaching materials for biology

The aim of this deliverable is to design and formulate an effective and modern curriculum for biology education, based on a needs analysis that was carried out as one of the subtasks in IO1, taking into account the possibilities of a 3D virtual world.

As part of this intellectual output , learning materials have been created for individual courses.

The curricula designed based on research activities carried out reflect the relevant conceptual frameworks of the educational content of the subject of biology for primary education in the partner countries. The most relevant topics were identified through the collaboration of sectoral institutions, umbrella organisations and government stakeholders through interviews and questionnaires, taking into account not only the general EU context but also local differences in the partner countries.

The following modules have been created in:

  • The world of living animals
  • Plant World
  • Microbiology
  • Human biology and health protection
  • Environment and living organisms

A detailed description of the e-courses has been created, including content and appropriate teaching methods.

The teaching materials include a series of documents and multimedia content with detailed descriptions of theoretical knowledge, innovative 3D learning activities, areas of the 3D virtual reality world, learning scenarios and relevant didactic materials (exercises, activities, quizzes, etc.).

An important part of this output is the definition of learning scenarios for the virtual world. These scenarios cover the general educational functionality of the 3D world as well as the specific interactive 3D activities associated with each educational concept to be taught.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.